5 Ways To Mentally Prepare For Labour

5 Powerful Ways To Prepare Your Mind For Childbirth | Learn how to mentally prepare your mind for labour and delivery so you can have the best birth experience.

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Are you a big ‘words’ person? Is reading, writing, and listening to song lyrics a few ways you love to spend time? Words can be magic, and have serious super powers. Strung together they can be straight to the point but not offend. They can comfort, reassure and console you, or inspire emotion and spark action. I’ll share with you 5 ways ‘words’ are mentally helping me prepare for childbirth/labour.

Download a printable version of ‘Affirmations for Labour’ by clicking on image above!

How words are helping me mentally prepare for labour/childbirth

I have no idea what having a baby will be like. People ask me if I’m ready, and I’m like – were you ready? Can we ever really be ready? Even if you’ve done it before, it’s never exactly the same rodeo! I’ve also heard plenty of thoughts around ‘birth plans’ and not to get too caught up in them as they often don’t go quite like you imagined. Rather than throw my arms up and say whatever happens happens, I still have an idea of how I’d like everything to go. So how can words help us to prepare?

1. Write down your # 1 goal

​Whatever happens – a healthy baby and mom are our #1 goal.

2. Write your ideal birth story

​In a perfect world, labour happens naturally, it wouldn’t be too long, babe comes out without forceps, healthy and crying, and we get delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin! But, this might go down completely different. At the end of the day – remember your # 1 goal.

3. Communicate

​In Brene Brown’s book, ‘Dare to Lead’ she teaches this profound lesson that our emotions are actually not just there to make us cry and seem crazy in front of people. Our emotions are actually telling us information. The better we get at interpreting this information from our emotions (aka communicating), the more understood and validated we’ll feel. By recognizing the emotions popping up, deciphering what they might be telling us, identifying where they might be coming from, and verbally communicating them to others with our words, we’ll meet less disappointment, anger, and frustration. Let your words help you communicate.

Words have helped identify fears to my hubby, our families, our doula, and my doctor. Having lots of questions and conversations around the topic of labour and delivery with them has been super helpful. This is important because trust has been established, and there’s no question that I’m surrounded by people who care about our pregnancy. Your partner is likely just as scared as you are, so don’t forget to hear their worries too. If you’re looking for some fun questions to spark conversation with your partner leading up to a delivery of your own – these are goodies:

  1. Do you think I will be the ‘quiet’ or ‘loud’ labouring patient?

  2. What are you most afraid of?

  3. How will you tell if it is me or my hormones talking?

  4. Will you still love and forgive me if I swear at you like a maniac in the moment?

4. Listen to a badass playlist

This is where your love of lyrics can come in! You my friend, are about to enter the ring! The UFC arena! You’re going to need a few pump songs to build you up, and get your head in the game. Round up your favourites on a playlist. I’ve got a couple playlists I’m listening to now (double as good workout tunes too) that I have ready to listen to on the way to the hospital, and maybe I’ll need them again when I’m fading and need a bit of extra energy during delivery to make it through.

5. Read, rinse and repeat these affirmations until that baby arrives in your arms!

I believe with my whole heart that words can save you. A good coach, partner or friend can sometimes know just what to say. Here is a list of affirmations I’ve come up with, that I’ll know off by heart by the time our little one arrives:

Download a printable copy of these here:

Affirmations for Labour/Childbirth

We’re taking this one adventure at a time.

We are looking nowhere but right here in the moment.

I am safe and secure where I am.

My doctors, nurses, partner, baby and I are all on the same team.

I am in the best care possible right now.

Everything that needs doing is being done.

I was made for this.

I can breathe through this.

Contractions are strong, but so am I.

This pain has a purpose.

This pain won’t last forever.

Remember to breathe.

I breathe in good energy and breathe out tension.

My body knows exactly what to do.

My mind is in the back seat while my body does the driving.

I am prepared for any path birthing takes.

I surrender to my body’s natural ability to do this.

My body will not let me down, and I will not let down my body.

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Hello, I’m Erica!  I’m obsessed with finding a solution between drinking the wine, feeling good in the jeans, having a great social life and keeping the body and mind healthy.

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