What is the 131 Method?!

What is the 131 Method? My Journey: I Tried The 131 Method 131 Method 131 Results 131method Anti Diet Rapid Weight Loss Vegetarian Weight Loss Weight Loss Journey. Learn about intermittent fasting, Anti-inflammatory food options. Diet phasing. Ketogenic phase in Ignite. Nourish Phase. Renew phase. Macrophasing. Nutrition quality.

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What is the 131 method?!


Hi there! I’m Erica!

I live in Edmonton, I love peanut butter, I haven’t read any 50 Shades of Grey books yet . . . and I’m a proud Ambassador for the 131 Method!

The 131 Method is a nutrition and health coaching program that Chalene Johnson, her husband Brett, and a fierce team of nutritionists and scientists launched into the world less than a year ago! It’s a 12 week online course that believes in helping YOU (US) break the dieting cycle and figure out the best way to eat specifically for OUR OWN BODY.

The struggle

I took a step back in November from Beachbody progams and coaching due to a concussion and shoulder injury. I stumbled across the 131 beta testing released in December of 2017, a few weeks before heading to our friends’ wedding in Mexico! Today, I want to share a little about my journey to better health and why I became a 131 Ambassador.

I have always struggled with my weight and have constantly looked for ways to feel better, feel more confident in my clothes, and enjoy the process of doing so. I trained for a half marathon, I competed in the Beachbody Classic, and I’ve been a Beachbody Coach. I have constantly tried to be creative in keeping myself motivated to eat healthy and exercise and try and combat the on-the-go all the time junk food trap.  Life can get so busy! There are so many things I find myself compelled to do, see and enjoy. (And I haven’t even had kids yet! Before finding the 131 Method I would say I would have been DOOMED when kids hopefully entered the picture) . . . . But that’s all before I found the 131 Method!)

I have successfully navigated the 131 Method during what just might be the busiest year of my life! (Two of my best friends got married (destination weddings!), and then my wedding is coming up in September) – and I have never felt better, or more in control, and fabulous in my own body. The best part is it has been without the stress or guilt of working out everyday, or tripping over super restrictive meal plans. I drank icebergs at the pool in Mexico, and ate pizza at 5am in Vegas with my besties. I am living my best life, understanding my body, and learning the flexibility I have based on a way of eating that I LOVE, and works for ME – thanks to the 131 method.

Below is January 2018 in Mexico, and then July 2018 in Las Vegas!

I decided to try the 131 Method because a concussion and shoulder injury left me feeling super discouraged after 2 years of steady success with the 21 Day Fix (I love you Autumn!), and other Beachbody programs. The set backs left me discouraged and in need of re-assessment as in order to practice what I preach, I needed to believe it with my whole heart. What happens when one of my team runs into an injury? Can I help them through it? A few did run into injury and felt much the same as I did. So I set out to first help myself, and now I’m ready to help others. For the record, I still love Shakeology (for the micronutrients) and Beachbody On Demand (workout anyhwere)!

Not just another diet – it’s down into the roots of nutrition, explained simply and easily

When I first signed up for the 131 Method, I was a little hesitant because I thought, “Oh great, another diet plan, another learning curve of how to measure and meal plan… how long until this one gets old for me? Does it even work?”

But the 131 Method helped me learn so much. Because Chalene’s team helped me understand more about my body, and what I’m putting into it, I feel more confident in my choices – good ones and bad ones. I feel free of guilt. I feel free of guilt for eating and free of guilt for not working out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I have access to a team of registered dieticians that answer my silliest questions, and the experience of Chalene and her dedicated team. Lessons came out every week that asked me questions and suggested answers in the most “I’m (me – the learner) in charge” kind of way. Yes, structure in what to eat and exactly what to eat is good – but structure isn’t going to STICK! Structure and someone else’s meal plan isn’t going to allow you to make these decisions confidently on your own! You know, when you’re riding without training wheels on vacation and staring down the buffet, not sure if you’re in heaven or hell?! What do you go for? Do you feel guilty for every bite you take that’s not strictly from your meal plan? STOP feeling guilty! Learn about what will make you feel good. Learn how your body is finding energy, and what that feels like! What someone else’s meal plan includes, could actually be harder for YOUR body to digest. I’ve learned that there’s so much more to eating and nutrition than calories in vs calories out. It’s so much more and I am thrilled to have this insight and knowledge to make my own calls, and be responsible for exactly how I feel! Sometimes that feeling is hungover . . . . but at least I know WHY, and HOW to feel better . . . oh yeah, and I know how to do that in less than 24 hours!

Why it’s different

My favourite thing about the program is the freedom to challenge the research and trust that what the 131 Method Team presents is legit. Chalene says, I’m going to give you the steps to test the theory for yourself, here are the concepts, and credible facts to consider, the science behind it but – you make the final call! #Empowered

I believe this information has been missing MY WHOLE LIFE! What we were taught as kids about eating many small meals, our metabolism being like a fire, that fats are bad, that the food guide suggests we eat WAYYY too many grains/inflammatory foods and that health is as easy as calories in vs calories out (you will learn through the 131 Method there is sooo much more – HORMONES baby!!!) is going to be debunked over the next 10 years. There’s a healthier way and I’m HOT on the trail, living it and enjoying it!

I can’t wait to support YOU on your journey to better health and for you to experience all of the amazing benefits of the 131 Method!

Let’s do this!

Time is Precious

– E

Below are photos taken before and after (4 week span) in of my very first Ignite Phase, right before I went wedding dress shopping. In the first phase of Ignite, I lost 10.5 lbs and 6.5 inches. My sleep quality and energy improved immensely.

To learn more or read about how the 131 Method has freed my from being afraid of food – see links below!

Ready to de-bloat but have no idea where to start?

Download your FREE anti-inflammatory meal plan with recipes and grocery lists today!

Hello, I’m Erica!  I’m obsessed with finding a solution between drinking the wine, feeling good in the jeans, having a great social life and keeping the body and mind healthy.

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Ready to de-bloat but have no idea where to start?

Download your FREE anti-bloat meal plan today!

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